Do crystals have energy? Do crystals have healing properties? Are crystals just pretty rock that you place around your house for decor? Have you ever held something that made you feel something or see something unimaginable? The question is, can crystals amplify your thoughts and intentions.

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The First Gift my husband ever gave me
The second time I ever met my husband, he brought me a gift. It was a small blue skull rock and some flowers for my mom. I thought it was so cute that he bought me a gift but I had no idea why he picked a skull. I never gave off the impression I liked skulls however I ended up putting it on my mom’s fireplace. I left it there for a very long time, almost a year.
One day My mother calls me,
“Hey, did you leave a skeleton head at my house?”
I replied,
“Oh, I forgot about that! Yes, Ian gave that to me a long time ago.”
She replied,
“Well, it’s giving me a weird feeling. I don’t like it, you need to come get it.”
I went over later that day to pick it up. She told me, she opened up the window, sat on the couch and the sun was hitting the skull. It was staring at her and she never noticed it until that day. I ended up going home and I put the skull on the counter.
That night, my best friend called me. We were having a blast laughing, like best friends do over the phone. While we were talking, I picked up the skull and unconsciously started rubbing it in my hand. It was nice a smooth to hold. The conversation started to get interesting.
She said,
“Omg, where are u coming up with all these genius ideas?! We have to write these down! We are on fire right now!”
We continued talking. The creative juices were flowing like a strong waterfall. It started to get late, so we got off the phone.
I still had the skull in my hand. All of these intense ideas were flashing in my mind. I started pacing in my dining room, walking back and fourth, talking to myself like a crazy person.
If you have seen “Uncut Gems”, it was like when Kevin Garnet touched the opal for the first time. There is a clip at the end of the page for those that have not seen that movie. This incident was years before the movie came out.
I continued pacing in my dining room and talking out loud, I was in a trance. My cat perched himself on the edge of the couch and started meowing at me. I heard his meow, it stopped the trance and I started blinking a bunch. I turned my head, to looked at my cat and he had the biggest eyes staring at me. I put the skull down on the dining room chair.
I grabbed him in a hug and said,
“Sorry Pepe, mama is crazy, talking to herself. ” lol
I put him on the ground. I walked in the kitchen to grab a glass to get some water. I turned around and Pepe was sitting right behind the skull, in the chair, staring at me.
I said,
“Oh you like the skull too?” lol
I go to grab the skull to move it and it was blazing hot. It was so hot that I put it back down, and stood there looking at it confused. I then started wondering, was the skull giving me all these ideas? I picked it up and at the bottom of the skull, in small cursive writing, it said Apatite, Madagascar.

I decided to go look up where Apatite, Madagascar was.
There is no place called Apatite, Madagascar.
Then I found out that Apatite is a type of stone.
I then typed in Apatite Skull Madagascar.
The First article I ever read on Crystal Skulls said:
“Apatite Crystal Skulls can aid in communication and self-expression on all levels. Blue Apatite connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance, facilitating clear channeling, lucid dreaming and astral travel. It improves clarity of eyesight, while also enhancing psychic vision and clairvoyance. It cleanses the aura and deepens meditation. It balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and the chakras. Blue Apatite is known to suppress appetite, increase metabolism and assist with weight issues. Apatite is also known as a stone for manifestation.”

Do crystals actually work? I was completely SHOOK! I started reading article, after article, after article. When my husband arrived home, I was on edge with all of this new information. I wanted to stay calm, cool, and collective because I wanted know why he picked this gift.
“Hey, baby I have a question. What made you give me this crystal skull?”
He replied,
“I don’t know, I wanted get you something. I saw the skull and something in my head told me you would like it. So I got it, Why?”
I said, “Just wondering.”
I went back to my desk and continued research.
I became obsessed with rocks, minerals, gems, and fossils. I wanted to know everything, the history, how they were used in ancient times, everything. So multiple geology books bought, courses taken, and research. My knowledge of the earth and earths treasures was completely amplified.
Uncut gems Opal vision Clip
starts at 1:34